“Life is a struggle when you live in hell.”
-Your blogger
14 months to go till high school ends, and real life begins. I can smell the independence coming like the rain needed on a hot summer day. Oh yes it’s needed, indeed.
Plans After High School:
Wake Tech – Criminal Justice (2yrs)
Military – Naval Reserves (They pay for my schooling and I get paid also)
Job – wanting to at least make $12.00/hr to survive (So I might have two jobs… I got shit to buy!)
I should have enough money to get an apartment (rent $700+)
Granted income – $900 (b/c I just have it like that… As long as I stay in school)
Car insurance – You know what? I just might be that damn cheap that I won’t have it… (That shit is expensive!)
I know it’s going to be hard work and with a little bit of faith and lots of praying plus hope I should be good… But I’m up for the challenge. Because I’m Sick of the bullshit! My plans are realistic so it should work out.
I don’t understand why all of the misfortune falls on me. I mean shit I don’t start anything; I’m for ever nice and smiling on top of that. I give God praises. I never get in trouble with the police or in fights, school or anything horrendous of that matter. I don’t even sneak out or smoke weed (and EVERONE SMOKES), or live like an unruly teen. I’m practically in some ways a good girl!
Hopefully things will start ruling in my favor. It’s rediculas how shit happens to me and I just don’t understand how it comes about. Maybe it will get better and I will have success in the long run and all the people that have made my childhood a living hell will say “man I should have treated her right.” But any who enough of me rambling. Stay tune for more of Mii Liife iiSUES
Plans For Now:
Car by August!!!
Job – any where I can get it in. (shit I don’t care if I’m washing fucking toilets! ((eww)) Money is still green)
Continue to maintain healthy grades
Try to stay out of the house as much as possible! (I have noticed when I stick around some shit always happens)
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