Thursday, May 14, 2009

Updates!!" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=1823771467&playerID=10172910001&domain=embed&" base="" name="flashObj" width="486" height="412" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true"swLiveConnect="true" pluginspage="

I haven't blogged in a long min. I have stuff stuff to blog about but I have never got around to the computer. Anyways updates on me. Things are changing with certain addictions. I will be leawaying (if that is a word...) of my addiction(s)((?)) We will see how that will work. Looks like I dont have anything else to write.... Wait yeah I do.

So, yesterday my brother and my ex-stepmom called me yesterday. Then we were talking about her Mothersday... I was being nice. Anyways she was telling me how her mom is in a nursing home because she can't take care of herself anymore because she has cancer. ( I felt bad and still do because no-one likes to see their loved ones suffering and they can't do anything about it) And I could feel the pain in her voice. Then i really felt bad. :[

So my dad comes in the room. And he's being and asshole for no reason. Like all up in my mouth asking me what were talking about and ish'... I was getting annoyed. Like even though I strongly don't like her I do care about the other people in her family that have shown me niceness? Basicly I thought there was no reason for my dad acting an ass when I was talking to her.

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