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Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I am the new Voice of :
I am now in college and I am broadening my horizons with my vision that I see for myself. That means that I feel that I have the need to speak to the YOUNG people and the world about what we see and what we go through in this society. So expect more controversial material on this blog.
I am now in college and I am broadening my horizons with my vision that I see for myself. That means that I feel that I have the need to speak to the YOUNG people and the world about what we see and what we go through in this society. So expect more controversial material on this blog.
Thank You for your support.
Back Lashing YOUR LBGT community !

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
If you Love Black People Then Read
The stripped us from our homes, raped and plumaged our villages, and took us from our religion. Then they brought us to the new world, and enslaved us, beat us into submission. In this new world they made learning for slaves illegal, and punished us by death or beatings. They began to teach us the ways of there land, telling us that our God had no color, and that our God looked like them. Trying to wash away our teachings from Africa, that were rooted in our blood...Many years later the slaves learned how to read, they saw things that they have recognised in there own country, where there mothers and fathers had been, they started to realise that, what the white man was telling half-truths about there God, to make them feel inferior. They started to worship Jah, like the natives in there land, they learned about the lost tribes, and how them (those) coming from Ethiopia are one of the lost tribes. . . .
I had write about how I felt about this... as in why steal us, why program us into being that yes man type of person? Black people are strong, in my oppion, if they never enslaved us in the first place black people as a race would be better off, we would be full of knowledge, and most of us would of risen up like the Caucasians. I know that every race has its down falls, but why do black people look the worst? why do we get the blame and the most criticism? We are good people and we are The Promised Ones.

I can go on and on about the oppression that blacks have been faced with, which in the out come I guess they got what they wanted. They have the minds of the unwilling black folks that don't want to achieve, They have the minds of the black folks that are happy in there ghettos, They have the minds of the generational teen pregnancy in the black communities, They have the minds of the black men that go to prison, just to sit in that cell, and when they get out they go back in. We as black people need to realise these obstacles that are here before us to make us fail, To put us in that slavery mind set, so we wont prevail. Black people are nearly extent, if we are going to make a mark on this earth, lets make it a good one. Go To College, Learn, Be something great!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Some Times I Want To Say....
FUCK THESE BITHCES !!!!! (Bitches meaning everyone male/females... mostly males) If you can't handle the heat, then stay the FUCK out of the kitchen.
On other look on the non- hostale side of me, So...-
Back to a new start again with this boyfriend complication.... I believe around June of my 11th grade year thing were starting to go sour, in this particular relationship at the time... [Why am I telling you this? ... (B/c ties into the story..So shut up and READ ) ] I would say the break up was my decision, b/c I just couldn't do it. Like it was just toooo MANY attractive females, that I was getting myself in trouble with, and thats how it ended, happy and free. And I thought that I would never date a dude again... (more reasons are to this.. but I dnt really want to get into that) -
And now, I have a interest, but I have to like reprogram my mind like, less "MAN" thinking and more "FEMALE" instints need to come out and take charge... Of course he dsnt care, bc thats how I met him; As me thinking in my "MAN" ways, but if I continue to think like that, the SAME Cycle of what happen last June will happen again, like a broken record. Its time to fix this, so thats what imma do.. Its gnna be hard, but I wanna do it b/c i like this guy, (yeah I said I like him [you... if you read this] ) so its worth the fixing.
and another thing I got a problem.... i like to fuck... Women... We'll get into that another day.. [this blog entry is kinda already too long].
On other look on the non- hostale side of me, So...-
Back to a new start again with this boyfriend complication.... I believe around June of my 11th grade year thing were starting to go sour, in this particular relationship at the time... [Why am I telling you this? ... (B/c ties into the story..So shut up and READ ) ] I would say the break up was my decision, b/c I just couldn't do it. Like it was just toooo MANY attractive females, that I was getting myself in trouble with, and thats how it ended, happy and free. And I thought that I would never date a dude again... (more reasons are to this.. but I dnt really want to get into that) -
And now, I have a interest, but I have to like reprogram my mind like, less "MAN" thinking and more "FEMALE" instints need to come out and take charge... Of course he dsnt care, bc thats how I met him; As me thinking in my "MAN" ways, but if I continue to think like that, the SAME Cycle of what happen last June will happen again, like a broken record. Its time to fix this, so thats what imma do.. Its gnna be hard, but I wanna do it b/c i like this guy, (yeah I said I like him [you... if you read this] ) so its worth the fixing.
and another thing I got a problem.... i like to fuck... Women... We'll get into that another day.. [this blog entry is kinda already too long].
Thursday, May 20, 2010
REAL LIFE! - when is the age to be to old to cry?
when is the age to be to old to cry? anger, frustration, and, pain will makes me want to go insane. I try to keep sane with my smiles, with my kind hearted ways, but When the anger frustration and pain gets to the brim. the tears flow like flood gates opening from the clouds. all the barriers all the walls break down. now im left with an disturbing frown. at the end of it all I try to forget (/avoid) [about] the things that started it all. But then they bring it back by pushing the issue against the wall. I begin to inflict self hatred thoughts of it all. thinking I am the problem, but really im content with-in myself in all. Screaming Fuck You, Fuck You. but they never fall. I got to get away, so I isolate myself from it all. In this room blue walls, my mind begins to think, i ponder it all, I think of the places I want to be, im thinking do they ever see the real me, do they see how they are treating me, so they see how unhappy i am, was this meant to be, im stuck like glue to paper. Id be happy if some how miraculously i just drifted, flew away. I need a plane ticket to some peaceful place.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Real Life...Poem Inspired
She thrives off of people gaping at her beauty, people taking advantage, but shes too blind to see. But deep inside she feels empty, so she fills it with anything to make her high, hoping her true feelings will pass her by, and once the high is gone, she feels like she wants to die. Its like, sex, drugs, and me, and him, him , and her. Who does she really prefer...? If I didn't care to understand her, I would classify her as has having that hoe mentality. What the fuck is wrong with me, feelings getting wrapped up, I'm feeling like I should be the one.... But I'm not. Him, him, and her are taking my spot. I try to be clever, doing extra shit to show her I care, but my feelings for her, I cannot bare, to see her (think about her) with him, him, her and her. I'm tyring to cut the ties. I look in my phone for other chicks, yeah there beautiful and exotic but, the desire is not there, all I want is her. But then she gazes into my eyes, then I forget everything I've been stressing about.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Woke Up Saturday Morning....
Feeling like something good was supposed to happen today... And I was right.. I met this lady around my grandmothers age, she taught me things about myself that I've been wanting to know for a long time. Im glad I met her. But I came to realize that Im not living my life right. On that note I feel like Im in good graces with this girl I like. I truly feel bad for her, she doesn't deserve to be treated like she has been. But this causes a deli ma, liking the same sex is a sin..... Right now in my young life Its going to be hard to get away from the girls. Just being that THEY make me truly happy. Its soo easy to sin, but its soo hard to let go.. Lets see how long it will take for me to get totally right.
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